Celebrating 10 Years with ‘Gift #3’ For You

Lehman Shock 2.0 & Report#3 ‘The 3 Gold & Silver Layers’

I remember clearly the Lehman Shock in early 2008. I had just finished moving our family to a new house in Chiba-shi, after a difficult & sudden church break up on the other side of Kanto. This wasn’t the first time or the last time I would move my whole family. I had worked hard & saved for over ten years and so I had a number of business, and investments making me money. Even though I had to put down 7 months worth of rent and buy all that comes when you enter a new house, furniture, appliances etc, I felt that I would be fine. Most important my 6th child was born in late 2007, and my family was happy & healthy.

Between 2004—2006 I had the opportunity to get into real estate in Las Vegas as some of my relatives did, but I saw the bubble and so I declined. I thought that I was safe because I built business and invested far away from those assets classes. But I was very wrong.

The Northern Rock company problems in England is when it started hurting my forex positions, one by one my businesses, my investments got worse, sales slowed, some stopped completely. The strong Yen, ‘ENDAKA’ did not help. I never had any financial support from relatives in Japan or the U.S. And so I could not make any wrong choices at that time. I had studied the financial system in the depth, which is why I bought gold in 1999, but nothing prepared me for this. I remember many sleepless nights checking the market at 2 and 3 in the morning, watching the news unfold. I was under pressure and worried. The bad choices of those in the U.S. touched me & threatened my family across the ocean in Japan. Thankfully, my young children had no idea of what was going on in my mind as they laughed and played and carried on as if everything was normal. They had such trust in me. I had no choice but to act. I worked hard for so long, to make a mistake here and lose was not an option. So for myself, for my family, I had to make the right decisions.

The reactions of governments to the crisis and further study led me to move most of my assets into gold & silver, as I already explained in the earlier reports. Because of those good choices, and a few others (I profited on the Australian Dollar falling) a few years later I was able to buy a house, set up my company, and so I was OK, but I could have done so much better had I been more prepared. I looked foolish in 2005, 2006 for deciding not buying real estate in Las Vegas, but by 2008 I looked smart for that decision.

I saw far enough ahead to know that I should accumulate gold and silver, which I started in 1999, and I look smart for doing it, but when I think back at what type of physical gold and silver product I was buying from 1999–2010, I feel regret. Why regret? Because in 1999 when I started, and in 2007 when I made huge purchases, if I knew back then the information I know today, the same information I am going to share with you in this series of reports, then I would be much richer today! I could have done it so much faster, easier.

But it was impossible for me to know this information back then because no one was sharing this information. And still today, no one else is. So I am sharing with you what I know from 20 years of experience in gold and silver to short cut your journey. In fact, in a few days I will even be giving away a secret 9 point business checklist I use to identify exactly what product to buy that makes money!

But, more importantly, what I want you to learn from my Lehman Shock story, is that it is impossible to know in advance exactly what will start the next global crisis, and exactly how it will unfold. So you must be prepared for any scenario. I don’t want you to have to experience the pain, the worry, the pressure that I felt, and try to figure it all out during the next crisis and maybe get it wrong, or only partly right, as I did.

That is why this next report is so important, and explains how to categorize & set-up of your gold and silver holdings.

It is called
Report #3 [The 3 Layers of Gold and Silver]

Inside the 3 layers, I focus on the most important layer, which everyone should have set up before the crisis.

If you want to be the most protected, profitable & powerful as possible then you will want to have all of these 3 layers of gold and silver I have identified set up now, before the next crisis begins.

Click on the link below to get the report.
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Report #3 [The 3 Layers of Gold and Silver]

These reports will only be available for a few more days.

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